Delivering District Energy - ‘local energy for local people’

District Energy, that is distributed energy at the grid edge, is both essential and urgent to delivering the electrification of heating and transport, and for the maximisation of local generation and storage. However, it is a long way from becoming a reality. There have been many trials and pilots but little commercial implementation.

Traxis Energy has been established to address this dilemma.

What is Traxis Energy?

  • Market acceleration industry groups of leading business organisations working collaboratively to bid for and deliver local energy projects and building consumer led mass market opportunities.

  • System integration is understood but equally important is business integration - helping businesses to work together effectively. Our programme is a a set of facilitated implementation modules to speed up delivery, increase management bandwidth and enhance outcomes.

  • Not only is this market fragmented, so are the consultancies that support it. Traxis Energy brings leading consultancies together to deliver a joined-up Local Energy Systems proposition. By pro-active we mean that our aim is to work alongside you to deliver scale in customer focused local energy and demand management.

    We use experienced business leaders who have been in your shoes and have experienced many of your challenges.

    Alongside our expertise in strategy, market analysis and delivery, we focus on developing multi-facet business models, enabling successful collaborations, and helping to co-ordinate funding.


Our vision is to drive integrated, consumer-focused, commercially viable local energy solutions as a major contributor to driving down energy costs, enhancing energy security and reducing CO2 emissions. The actions of domestic and commercial consumers really matter. However there’s a chasm between pilot projects and commercial implementation, between early adopter consumers and the mass market.

We are working to close this gap, to ensure that district energy is available for everyone, everywhere, simply and affordably.

Who is Traxis Energy for?

  • Businesses and organisations such as property developers, local councils and housing associations that are wishing to contract for integrated, consumer focused low carbon, affordable energy products and services

  • Leading organisations that see the opportunity local energy systems offer and want to capitalise on first mover advantage by being among the first to deliver both nationally and at a local level

  • Companies that want to build volume sales by contributing elements of an integrated solution such as equipment, a platform, installation and support services.

  • Funds that are looking to invest in scale opportunities to deliver local energy and make measurable, beneficial social or environmental impacts alongside a financial return


District energy entails extended value chains too large for any one business to manage within their own supply chain: e.g. DNOs, Energy Retailers, Property Developers, Infrastructure Providers etc. Until such time that a whole market is established companies need to collaborate with each other to co-develop whole products, integrate their capabilities and win investment for complete solutions.

No matter where you sit in this value chain working with Traxis Energy to help create a market for your products and gain investment could be a game changer.

Upcoming Events

Smart Local Energy Systems

Collaboration and Development workshop

25 & 26 May 2023

What we are talking about

  • The cost-of-living crisis is causing us all to look at how we can reign in on expenditure – but not with energy. Here the response is for the government to underwrite the increases. This article explores an alternative.

  • Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has dramatically changed the energy landscape and confronts our attitudes and emphasis towards decarbonisation which is now nothing short of critical.

  • Energy security and decarbonisation have a major local dimension to them.


Intrigued? Fed up with trials? Want to scale your ambitions?

Contact us to find out more about our services, joining the District Energy Network Industry Group or to participate in our programmes enabling your business to lead the revolution in local energy through commercial projects.