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The Traxis Group is excited to announce the first 4 members of the Traxis Energy Advisory Council.

The Council is a group of leading independent thinkers and practitioners in the world of decentralised energy, environmental sustainability and investment. Its purpose is to advise and to challenge the thinking of Traxis Energy Programme members and to help them design collaborative prosumer and community propositions suitable for the next decades.

Our first 4 members are:

Lars Falch who recently joined Capgemini Invent Netherlands, leading the Energy & Utilities practice after being the founder & CEO of Powerpeers, Europe’s leading peer-2-peer energy retailer

Petter Allison who, amongst other leading roles in British Gas, was Managing Director Technology & Innovation and Venture Capital. Today he is an Advisor and Non Executive Director in the energy sector

Frauke Thies who was the Executive Director of Smart Energy Europe which is focused on flexibility. Today she is Head of Climate Advocacy, the Open Society European Policy Institute

Laurent Schmitt who was the Executive Director of ENTSO-E which is focused on future grid architecture and digital transformation. Today he is Founder and CEO of Digital4Grids

Lars has been working with us since the summer to refine this proposition and we are delighted that he has accepted the role of Chair of the Advisory Council and will continue to have a pivotal role in helping bring distributed energy to the mass market.

Traxis Energy’s aim is to encourage businesses to collaborate to develop “whole products” that make it easy for the mass market to purchase decentralised energy. We believe that the success of Net Zero ambitions and beyond will be down to the decisions of consumers. Big commercial initiatives such as green hydrogen, digital transformations, carbon capture and storage and grid-scale energy storage will have their role to play, but so do consumers in their everyday decisions. However, until such time as it is easy for people to buy-in to and thus change their behaviours it will be almost impossible to even reach Net Zero.

Our Advisory Council is there to encourage businesses to take the bull by the horns and take the initiative. Most of the necessary components are in existence – it now needs collaboration to put them together effectively. Our first four members have just this sort of experience.

Author: Simon Anderson


De-polarising energy


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