Electrification: solutions in dire need of a whole product experience (Part 2: heat pumps)

A three-part article.

Part 2: heat pumps


This winter I took possession of a house fitted with an air (to water) source heat pump, something else that is slowly becoming more common – and faster if the UK government has its way. But, here is another illustration that all is not right in the world of electrification…

My heat pump experience

Here my experience is far shorter: I have only used a heat pump this winter for 4 months. We really like the modern feel it gives the house with underfloor heating, clear walls and no drafts because, of course, heat pumps generally go with higher standards of insulation: the house is only 3 years old. What we don’t like is the complexity of the controls, the almost complete lack of information about how to operate it, and the cost.

First the controls. It took me 2 hours internet research to understand how to programme the combined timer and thermostats – and there are 5 including one for the towel rails! Then the boiler control effectively says, “engineers only” and I suspect even some of them are not sure about them! I say this as an engineer came to service the system and spent a fair amount of time muttering “who installed this” or something to that effect.

Heat pumps are most effective when they are kept running steadily. There is a large thermal lag heating the home so operating a heat pump as you would a gas boiler with a morning and evening heating period is expensive. However, anecdotally we have been told that lots of heating engineers set them up like gas boilers as they get call outs from customers who do not understand them: they believe the system isn’t working because it doesn’t heat up quickly when they come in and turn the heating up. This is probably because the heat pump wasn’t explained to them in the first place and there is little help and advice out there, certainly none that came with the house. It feels like a black art. The result is that running the heating can cost a lot more than it should.

Which brings me to the cost.  For a combination of reasons our next-door neighbour this winter was spending £10 a day on electricity whereas in their previous house this would have been around £5 for gas and electricity combined. Prices are of course a lot higher, but it certainly is not the lower cost heating they were expecting. After much chivvying they are having it investigated and a new sub meter has been installed to monitor what is happening. We await the results with interest…

My experience is a little better. I have an in-home display unit so I have been able to monitor my expenditure in real time. By the way, this is one from my old company, geo, not one supplied with our smart meter. This is absent and my energy retailer has no obligation to supply one. They have promised one in due course, but nothing has been forthcoming… I feel another article coming on but let’s stick with heat pumps for now.

I also have a MCS installation certificate that states the predicted annual consumption should be 9,140kWh for space heating and 5,094kWh for hot water. At 20p/kWh that is £1,828.00 for heating and £1,018.80 for hot water, £2,846.80 altogether, not including everyday electricity consumption. At last summer’s prices of around 15p/kWh this still translated to £2,135.10 for a 4-bedroom detached house: not exactly cheap especially if you have to pay 3-4 times the price than a new gas boiler when replacing one. Next month’s energy prices will be even higher still, and imagine what this would be like for an older house converted from gas heating…

Again, as with evs, technology has an important role to play. For example, a monitoring and optimisation programme should be standard with all heat pumps. Then there is their integration with other behind the meter appliances facilitating demand management and minimising energy costs through flexibility, none of which is yet in place other than in trials – several trials but as yet some way from mass roll-out.

Delaying the uptake

Many people ask me about my heat pump experience, and it is hard to put a positive spin on it. Needless to say, they are not very enthused and I suspect that, as with evs, the consequence will be a delay in converting to electric heating despite the government’s subsidies and ambitions. 

Author: Simon Anderson


Electrification: solutions in dire need of a whole product experience (Part 3: creating a whole product experience)


Electrification: solutions in dire need of a whole product experience (Part 1: evs)